
Landline Phones

Landline numbers are ten digits long with 0 + Area Code + Local Area Code + Individual Number, including the area code and prefixed leading zero.  You don’t have to dial an area code for nearby cities.

When you call from landlines in IPMU building, you also need to dial another “0” to connect external line.  For instance, if you call Kashiwa City Hall which locates within a same city, dial 0-7167-1111.  If you call Taito City Hall which locates in Tokyo, dial 0-03-5246-1111.

Cell phones

[Regular Cell Phones]

The biggest Japanese mobile phone companies are NTT Docomo, au by KDDI, and Softbank.  In Japan, you usually subscribe for a 1 or 2-year plan where you get the device and choose a plan that suits your needs.

There are many different subscription plans available depending on how much you're calling, texting, emailing, web surfing and so forth. To apply for a cell phone subscription, you need the followings:

1. Residence Registration Certificate (You can get at the city hall when you register your residence address.)

2. Bank account information at a Japanese bank.

Emergency Calls

Throughout Japan, an emergency phone call can be made free of charge from any phone including public pay phones.

Ambulance -       Dial 119 

Fire -                Dial 119

Police -             Dial 110

How to make international calls:

[From landline to overseas]

If the line is NOT an IP phone, please select one from below for the gateway to overseas



0061(Softbank Telecom)

And then 010 + Country Code + Area Code + Phone number

[From IP Landline or Cellphones to overseas]

010 + Country Code + Area Code + Phone number

[From Abroad to Japan]

Dial Japan's country code (81), then Area Code + Phone number

If the number starts with a 0, drop the 0 and dial everything else.