Vol.36 (Dec 2016)
- Director’s Corner Hitoshi Murayama, Hitoshi Murayama at Work
- Feature Masashi Hazumi, Can We Observe the Universe before the Big Bang?
- Our Team
- Research Report Shiro Ikeda, Data Science and Natural Science
- Workshop Report Hirosi Ooguri, Statistics, Quantum Information, and Gravity
- Workshop Report Alexey Bondal, Workshop on Categorical and Analytic Invariants in Algebraic Geometry IV
- Workshop Report Aleksey Cherman, Resurgence at Kavli IPMU
- TEA BREAK Kyoji Saito, Dream of the Monkey from diary, entry dated July 20, 2010
- Special Contribution Norimichi Hirakawa, Science and Art Today
- News
- Lagrangian Point 2(L2), Hajime Sugai
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